Mortlach Single Malt Scotch

Buy Mortlach Single Malt online. I won’t say that I emit a high-pitch “Squee!” when I see a good deal on Mortlach, but I also won’t say that I don’t… And what a deal this is. Right now. Retailers across the world are being told they can (and should) closeout all of the Game of Thrones editions of Diageo single malts. Some of these were pass off as Black Friday sales. But some retailers are just listing them for bottom dollar without much fanfare. The “Six Kingdoms” bottling which is suppose to be the crown jewel of the collection originally retail for around $150 after the show end. And then it went on sale for $80 in some places last year. Now you can find it for $60. Talk about a fall from grace. Don’t limit yourself to the Mortlach, though. You can still find many of the other bottlings from the Game of Thrones series for 50% – 70% off retail. Stock up, none of them are bad. Base on reading a few scatter reviews. They’re all drinkable but just below the quality of the normal official bottlings from each respective distillery.

Why is this bottle going for such crazy markdowns? Simple, really, Diageo over-estimate the demand for co-brand whisky and bottle too much of it. The show has fade from the public’s memory (the last season didn’t exactly help) and boxes upon boxes of slightly subpar Diageo malt in pretty canister is sitting in back rooms and warehouses all over the place. They want it gone, presumably so they can forget it ever happen. Honestly, I feel that it’s a pity because it was a cool id. but it turns out that slapping an attractive co-brand label on a bottle doesn’t justify a higher retail price if you don’t also put stellar whisky in that bottle. Who knew. Lesson learn? Probably not. Buy Mortlach Single Malt online

I feel like Diageo has a similar lack of strategic vision when it comes to the crown jewel of their treasury: Mortlach.

The Rare Old is a dismal overpriced disaster (which is also close out at a severe discount). In fact, every good Mortlach I’ve had was from an independent bottler. You wouldn’t think it would be a hard concept: Put well-mature sherry Mortlach in bottles with an age statement and sell them for just under what the public considers a fair price for the age. They’ll be allocate everywhere, guarantee.

As I climb down off my soapbox, I’ll talk about the whisky. It’s Mortlach single malt that has been age for 15 years in sherry casks and then ex-bourbon barrels. Oddly, the label and tin say it was “Finish in ex-bourbon casks” which is a silly way to convey that the whisky start in first-fill sherry (season) casks and then is finish in ex-bourbon. You’d think they’d focus on the sherry. In fact, before I look it up online I thought it just is rerack from ex-bourbon into ex-bourbon! There is no information about whether the whisky has been color-adjust or if it has been chill-filter so I always assume that means it has been. The resulting whisky is bottle at a respectable 46% ABV. More information? Please. This is Diageo.

Nose: Meaty, sulfury classic Mortlach. Raisins, figs, dates. Fresh banana. My brother-in-law suggest that it smell like pennies, which I agree with. It’s coppery, but I wouldn’t call it metallic. Fairly complex, there’s definitely more deeper in the glass that I’m not picking up on yet. Invites a second and third and fourth nosing…Buy Mortlach Single Malt online

Palate: Heavy body. Moderate burn, slightly hotter than I’d expect for 46% ABV. Flavorful, with a lot of the same notes from the aroma repeat. A chewy date shake with banana cream.

Finish: Medium length. A bit of barrel char / charcoal appears, and while the meaty/coppery flavor persists, a lot of the fruit has drop out. Fades without much evolution, aside from a ghost of menthol on the very tail end.

With Water: A few drops of water initially mute the aroma, necessitating a rest in the glass. The water picks out a little more banana on the aroma, and adds a layer of sweetness (vanilla / cake frosting) but not much else. The water does make the palate a little more vibrant and adds a tart note there and on the finish… orange peel. Water doesn’t hurt here, but try it without water first.

Overall: This gets a “Recommend” rating, but only at the current closeout price. It’s not the best Mortlach I’ve had, but it’s still Mortlach with an age statement and that’s not something that you can often just pick off a shelf. I would have been severely disappoint if I had pay the full $150 retail price for this. I paid $80, and I’d say that’s the upper limit of its value. At the current closeout price of $60 I think it’s an excellent deal especially if you’ve never had any Mortlach before.

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